NASA to NAS Numbers

STAR has always indexed NASA numbers (e.g., NASA-CR-XXXX, etc.). Since 1981 it has also indexed NAS numbers (e.g., NAS1.26-XXXX). Based on the period of concurrent indexing, it appears that the various NASA report series have particular NAS numeric prefixes. They are listed below.

NASA-CP-XXXX Conference Publication NAS1.55-XXX
NASA-CR-XXXX Contractor Report NAS1.26-XXXX
NASA-EP-XXXX Educational Publication NAS1.19-XXXX
NASA-RP-XXXX Reference Publication NAS1.61-XXXX
NASA-SP-XXXX Special Publication NAS1.21-XXXX
NASA-TM-XXXX Technical Memorandum NAS1.15-XXXX
NASA-TP-XXXX Technical Publication NAS1.60-XXXX
NASA-TT-XXXX Technical Translation NAS1.77-XXXX

There is also a NASA report series prefix NASA-CASE-YYY-XXXX, where YYY is a three letter code, usually signifying a particular center (e.g., LEW for Lewis Research Center in Cleveland). These reports relate to NASA patent activities. Those NASA-CASE reports released by the U.S. Office of Trademarks and Patents have no corresponding NAS number , but those released by NASA are issued under NAS1.71, regardless of center.
Finally, no NAS numbers were found for the following NASA report series, most of which are now obsolete.
NASA-TN-XXXX (Technical Note)
NASA-TR-XXXX (Technical Report)